“One size fits all” does not fit for any of us. But with the death of a spouse, there is at lease one thing that does fit us all: pain. How we deal with “our” pain — while possibly different — might help us to learn how others are experiencing that pain. Sharing “yours” with […]
Author: Peter Boehmer
Education --- dyslectic --BA degree
Status -- Widower , three kids, five friends
Service Infantry - 1st Lt
Faith -- Spiritual Engineer
Self perception -- hypocrite -- intellectual with low IQ -wealthy socialist -- nearly a loaner -- sick humor (only I enjoy --- good enough and is ment to only make fun of myself )
Primary employment -- carpentry
And so…Goodbye
And so…Goodbye. We all know that, sooner or later, all things must end. And that time has come for my blog “Alone—Again.” I started it after my wife Raquel (Ricki) died for I was bereft. Lonely. Feeling sorry for myself. Needing very much to whimper and whine about my painful grieving. After […]